Bariatric History: Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass Treatment
This treatment gets its name from its inventor Doctor Mal Fobi. A weight reduction operation combines gastric bypass and stomach reduction. If you know or have heard of the Roux-en-Y stomach bypass, then you already have an idea of how the procedure is executed. On the other hand, instead of this procedure using staples, it makes use of a silastic ring. The ring helps prevent stretching between the small bowel and the pouch by stimulating the pyloric valve. The procedure completes with the aid of a gastroenterostomy that takes place to the jejunum Roux-en-y type limb.
Facts about the Procedure
- Success rate- The founder of the procedure, Doctor Fobi, guarantees a ninety-five percent rate of success. In addition to this, the specialist guarantees that the patient maintains about forty percent of the excess weight loss for a minimum of five preceding years. The surgical complications rate is lower in comparison to other procedures. However, side effects resemble those of the other weight loss procedures.
- A lower rate of failure- The rate of surgical failure is lower concerning this surgery because of the reduced common causes of the failure. The operation itself eliminates some of the causes of surgical failure such as leakage and the stretching of the stomach pouch.
- Side effects- Just as the other weight reduction procedures, this one has similar problems including intolerance to meat, diarrhea, and frequent vomiting, among others. Other patients experience a long-term side effect of constipation.
- Nutritional issues- This is one of the side effects of this procedure. Most patients experience a detriment in metabolism and nutrient absorption function of the small intestine. Without the right nutritional care, a patient could easily experience nutrient deficiencies such as lack of sufficient Folic Acid, vitamin B12, Iron, and even Calcium. This could either be solved or prevented with the aid of nutritional supplements and periodic doctor checkups.
- It takes longer- If you have encountered a vertical banded gastroplasty operation then, this one takes double that time. In addition to this, the surgical team comprises of two surgeons, pulmonary specialist, cardiologist, patient counselor, circulating nurse, scrub nurse, and an anesthesiologist.
- Recovery hospitalization- It takes up to four days in the hospital to recover after the operation. The follow-up checkup is periodical in periods of seven to ten days, three months, six weeks, half a year, and even annually.
Benefits of Undergoing the Procedure
- Efficient- Unlike the other weight loss procedures, this one eliminates the use of staples, which reduces mobilization. Apart from this, it also reduces and eliminates marginal ulcers risk and staple line breakdown.
- Reduced risk of subphrenic abscess and leaks- This is done by the overlap of the arm of the jejunum that forms the gastroenterostomy. It overlaps with the stomach pouch transected edge.
- Decompression of the stomach pouch- The risk of developing acute gastric distension and atelectasis reduces. In addition to this, it offers medication administration and temporary feeding.