Understanding the Average Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Mexico

Gastric bypass surgery, a significant medical procedure aimed at aiding weight loss, has increasingly become a popular choice for many seeking affordable healthcare options outside their home countries. Mexico has emerged as a leading choice among various destinations, primarily due to its cost-effectiveness and the quality of medical care available.

This article looks into understanding the gastric bypass surgery cost in Mexico, offering an insightful look into why many are choosing this route for their surgical needs. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects of undergoing gastric bypass surgery in Mexico, covering various factors influencing the overall cost. This information is crucial for those considering this life-changing procedure, as it helps make informed decisions about their health and financial investments.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mexico

Several key factors influence the cost of gastric bypass surgery in Mexico. Understanding these can help prospective patients make informed decisions and plan their budgets accordingly.

  • Surgeon’s Fees: The expertise and reputation of the surgeon performing the procedure significantly impact the cost. Highly experienced surgeons typically charge more, reflecting their skills and successful track records.
  • Facility Charges: The type of medical facility chosen for the surgery plays a role in the overall cost. State-of-the-art hospitals with advanced technology and amenities may charge higher than smaller, specialized clinics.
  • Pre- and Post-operative Care: The extent of care required before and after the surgery also contributes to the cost. This includes pre-surgery consultations, nutritional guidance, post-surgery follow-ups, and any necessary adjustments or treatments.
  • Geographical Location: Prices can vary depending on the city or region where the surgery is performed in Mexico.Popular cities might have higher costs due to increased demand and higher operational costs.
  • Additional Expenses: Other factors, such as the need for diagnostic tests, anesthesia, and post-surgery medications, also add to the total cost.
  • Travel and Accommodation: For international patients, travel and accommodation expenses for themselves and accompanying family members or caretakers should be considered.

By understanding these cost factors, patients can better estimate their expenses and choose the best options for their gastric bypass surgery in Mexico.

Average Cost Breakdown of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mexico

Gastric bypass surgery in Mexico offers a cost-effective solution for those seeking this procedure. The affordability of this surgery in Mexico, especially with providers like Renew Bariatrics, is a significant factor in its popularity. The cost varies depending on several factors but remains lower compared to many other countries.

  • Cost Range: The cost of gastric bypass surgery in Mexico typically ranges from $5,500 to $10,000. This range varies based on the city, the complexity of the procedure, and the individual patient’s needs.
  • Renew Bariatrics Pricing: Renew Bariatrics offers gastric bypass surgery starting from $5,799. This price is all-inclusive, covering the surgery and associated care.
  • Inclusions in the Price: Renew Bariatrics usually includes all necessary aspects of the surgery, such as hospital charges, surgeon’s fees, and pre- and post-operative care. It ensures there are no hidden costs.
  • Comparative Cost Analysis: Compared to the costs in countries like the United States, where the procedure can range from $20,000 to $35,000, Mexico presents a significantly more affordable option without compromising the quality of care.
  • Factors Affecting Cost Variations: Prices can differ based on the location within Mexico. For example, prices in Tijuana and Cancun are generally lower, starting from $5,799, while in Mexico City, it starts at $7,195. Other cities like Guadalajara and Puebla also have varying prices.
  • Quality of Care: Despite the lower costs, clinics like Renew Bariatrics, maintain high standards of care, operating in fully accredited hospitals and employing experienced bariatric surgeons.

This cost breakdown highlights the affordability and quality of gastric bypass surgery in Mexico, making it an attractive option for those seeking weight loss solutions.

Variations in Prices Among Different Clinics

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in Mexico varies among different clinics and regions. This section will explore the reasons behind these variations and what they mean for patients.

  • Clinic Reputation and Facilities: Clinics with high reputations or advanced facilities often charge more. Their pricing reflects the quality of care, the technology used, and the medical team’s expertise.
  • Location-Based Price Differences: Prices can vary significantly based on the clinic’s location within Mexico. Tourist-heavy areas or major cities might have higher prices due to demand and operational costs.
  • Cost vs. Quality: The correlation between cost and quality of care is crucial. Higher prices only sometimes guarantee better quality, but extremely low prices might indicate compromises in care standards.
  • Research Is Key: Patients should research thoroughly to find the best balance between cost and quality. This includes reading reviews, verifying credentials, and understanding the full scope of what the quoted price covers.

Understanding these variations helps patients make informed choices about where to undergo their surgery in Mexico, ensuring they get the best possible care within their budget.

Tips for Budget-Conscious Patients

For patients considering gastric bypass surgery in Mexico on a budget, there are several ways to manage costs effectively:

  • Thorough Research: Investigate various clinics to compare prices and services. Look for all-inclusive packages to avoid unexpected expenses.
  • Consider Travel Costs: Factor in travel and accommodation expenses. Some regions might have lower surgical costs but higher travel expenses.
  • Explore Financing Options: Some clinics, like Renew Bariatrics, may offer financing options or payment plans to help manage the cost.
  • Check for Hidden Fees: Ensure the quoted price includes all necessary aspects of the surgery and post-operative care to avoid surprises.
  • Quality Over Price: While staying within budget is important, prioritize the quality of care and the clinic’s reputation over the lowest price.

These tips can help patients balance cost and quality to make the best decision for their gastric bypass surgery in Mexico.

Understanding the Long-Term Financial Benefits

This additional section emphasizes the long-term financial benefits of undergoing gastric bypass surgery in Mexico.

  • Healthcare Savings: By addressing obesity-related health issues effectively, gastric bypass surgery can lead to significant long-term healthcare savings. Patients often experience a decrease in obesity-related medical conditions, reducing future medical costs.
  • Improved Quality of Life: With successful weight loss, patients often see an improvement in their quality of life. This can lead to increased productivity and potentially higher earnings.
  • Insurance Considerations: While upfront costs are important, patients should also consider how their insurance may cover post-operative care and any complications. Some insurers offer partial reimbursements for surgeries performed abroad.
  • Long-Term Weight Management: Investing in gastric bypass surgery is an investment in long-term weight management. The reduced need for future weight-loss treatments or programs can offset the cost of the surgery.
  • Cost of Medications: Patients often find that the cost of medications for weight-related comorbidities decreases significantly post-surgery, contributing to long-term savings.

By understanding these long-term financial benefits, patients can better appreciate the full scope of their investment in their health by choosing gastric bypass surgery in Mexico.


Gastric bypass surgery in Mexico is a cost-effective option, with costs varying from $5,500 to $10,000, significantly lower than in countries like the U.S. Factors affecting the cost include surgeon’s fees, facility charges, and location. It’s important to balance cost with the quality of care, as clinic reputations and facilities differ. Research, considering travel costs, and exploring financing options are crucial for budget-conscious patients. Renew Bariatrics offers comprehensive, all-inclusive packages and financing plans, ensuring quality care at affordable prices. For personalized assessments, contact Renew Bariatrics.

Understanding Weight Loss Surgery Costs in Mexico

Weight loss surgery is becoming an increasingly popular option for individuals seeking a long-term solution to obesity. As the demand for these procedures grows, many turn their eyes toward Mexico. This country has gained a reputation for offering high-quality medical care at significantly lower costs compared to the United States and other countries. 

This article looks into the costs associated with weight loss surgery in Mexico. We will explore why Mexico has become a favored destination for these life-changing procedures, discuss the various types of bariatric surgeries available, and break down the factors influencing their costs. 

Reasons for the Popularity of Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico

Mexico’s emergence as a hotspot for weight loss surgery isn’t just about cost savings. The country boasts state-of-the-art medical facilities comparable to those in the United States and Europe. Surgeons in Mexico often receive part of their training internationally, ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest surgical techniques. Additionally, many Mexican hospitals catering to medical tourists are accredited by international organizations, boosting confidence in the quality of care offered.

The proximity of Mexico to the United States and Canada is another significant factor. Traveling to Mexico is much more convenient and less time-consuming for North American patients than flying to distant countries. This ease of travel, combined with the cultural similarities and prevalence of English-speaking medical staff, makes Mexico an attractive option for many.

Lastly, the personalized care and attention Mexican medical teams provide are often cited in patient testimonials. This focus on patient-centered care, often in a more relaxed, less hurried environment, contributes to the overall positive experience for medical tourists.

Overview of Weight Loss Surgery Types and Their Costs

Bariatric surgery in Mexico has several types, each with advantages, suitability criteria, and costs. The most common procedures include:

  • Gastric Bypass: This procedure, known for its effectiveness, involves creating a small pouch in the stomach and rerouting the small intestine to this pouch. The average cost in Mexico ranges from $5,500 to $11,000, depending on factors like hospital and surgeon fees.
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy: In this procedure, a portion of the stomach is removed to create a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. It’s simpler than a gastric bypass and typically costs between $4,500 and $9,000 in Mexico.
  • Adjustable Gastric Band: This involves placing a band around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch that limits food intake. It’s less invasive and reversible, costing around $3,000 to $6,500.
  • Duodenal Switch: A more complex surgery combining aspects of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. It’s usually recommended for severely obese patients and costs between $6,500 and $10,000.

These prices are significantly lower than in the United States, where the cost for similar procedures can be two to three times higher. However, it’s crucial to note that these are average prices and can vary based on the hospital’s location, the surgeon’s experience, and the patient’s specific needs. 

Factors Affecting the Cost of Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico

The cost of weight loss surgery in Mexico, particularly in Tijuana, is impacted by several factors. While Tijuana, as a tourist-friendly city, has luxury private hospitals that might charge more for their high-end amenities and prime location, it remains a cost-effective option compared to similar procedures in more expensive countries. This balance of quality healthcare with relative affordability makes Tijuana an appealing choice for those seeking bariatric surgery, combining the benefits of modern facilities and skilled medical professionals with more manageable expenses.

The surgeon’s expertise is another crucial factor. Surgeons with high success rates, years of experience, or international training often charge more for their services. This is an area where patients shouldn’t compromise, as the surgeon’s skill is pivotal to the success of the surgery.

The type of surgery chosen also impacts the cost. More complex procedures like a gastric bypass or duodenal switch are generally more expensive than simpler surgeries like gastric banding. The comprehensive nature of the surgery, including pre-operative and post-operative care, also adds to the cost.

Additional costs are an important consideration. These can include pre-surgery consultations, follow-up care, recovery accommodation, and travel expenses. Patients should also consider the cost of any necessary revisions or complications that might arise post-surgery.

Comparative Analysis: Mexico vs. Other Countries

Compared to the United States and Canada, the cost of weight loss surgery in Mexico can be significantly lower. In the U.S., a gastric bypass can cost between $20,000 and $35,000, whereas in Mexico, the price range is typically between $5,500 and $11,000. This substantial difference makes Mexico an attractive option for many.

Quality of care is a common concern for those considering surgery abroad. However, many Mexican hospitals offering bariatric surgery meet international standards. The success rates and quality of care in these facilities are comparable to those in the United States and Canada, as many surgeons in Mexico have trained or worked internationally.

Other popular medical tourism destinations like India, Thailand, and Costa Rica also offer competitive pricing for weight loss surgery. However, the added travel distance and potential cultural and language barriers can deter North American patients, making Mexico a more favorable option due to its proximity and cultural similarities.

Insurance and Financing Options

When considering weight loss surgery in Mexico, it’s important to understand the insurance and financing options available. Most American and Canadian health insurance plans do not cover medical procedures performed abroad. However, some insurance companies might reimburse some costs under specific circumstances. Patients should consult their insurance providers to understand their policy’s terms and conditions regarding overseas medical treatments.

Many Mexican hospitals offer financing plans for those without coverage or when insurance doesn’t provide sufficient support. These plans can help make the surgery more affordable by allowing patients to pay in installments. The terms and conditions of these plans vary, so it’s essential to review them carefully and understand all the financial implications.

Some patients also opt for personal or medical loans specifically designed for healthcare-related expenses. These financial products can be a viable solution but often depend on the individual’s credit history and financial situation.

Risks and Considerations

Undergoing weight loss surgery in Mexico, like any medical procedure, comes with risks and considerations. While many patients have positive experiences, being aware of potential complications is crucial. Common risks associated with bariatric surgery include infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia, which can be compounded by the stress of being in a foreign country.

It’s essential to thoroughly research and choose accredited medical facilities and experienced surgeons. Accreditation by international bodies indicates high patient care and safety standards. Patients should also ensure clear communication with their medical team in Mexico, understanding the procedure, recovery process, and any follow-up care required.

Cultural differences and language barriers can also pose challenges. While many medical professionals in Mexico speak English, especially in facilities catering to international patients, having access to reliable translation services is beneficial when needed.

Lastly, patients should consider the logistics of traveling for surgery, including the need for a passport, travel insurance, and arrangements for recovery time in Mexico. The support system available during recovery in Mexico and back home is another crucial factor for a successful outcome.


Weight loss surgery in Mexico is affordable compared to the United States and Canada, offering significant cost savings and high-quality medical care. It’s crucial for patients to research, understand the risks, and make informed decisions. Selecting accredited facilities and experienced surgeons is essential for a positive outcome. 

Considering weight loss surgery in Mexico? Do extensive research and consult with professionals. Make a well-informed choice that balances cost with health and well-being. For expert guidance, visit Renew Bariatrics, specializing in such procedures. 

Factors Affecting Weight Loss Surgery Cost in Mexico

Weight loss surgery in Mexico has become a popular choice for individuals seeking affordable and effective bariatric solutions. However, the cost of these surgeries can vary significantly, influenced by many factors. This variability often leaves potential patients wondering about the pricing components of weight loss surgery in Mexico.

Each aspect plays a crucial role in shaping the overall financial commitment, from the type of surgery chosen to the surgeon’s expertise, hospital fees, and the necessary pre-op and post-op care.

We will provide real-world examples and detailed cost breakdowns to offer a clearer picture of what to expect financially when considering weight loss surgery in this region. This comprehensive exploration aims to equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about your bariatric surgery journey in Mexico.

Type of Weight Loss Surgery

The type of bariatric surgery chosen is a primary factor influencing the procedure cost in Mexico. Each surgical method varies in complexity, resources required, and time spent in the operating room, all contributing to the overall cost.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)

  • This is the most common type of weight loss surgery.
    • It involves removing a portion of the stomach, reducing appetite, and lowering food intake.
    • The cost can vary based on the duration of the hospital stay and the complexity of the patient’s case.

Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-en-Y)

  • This more complex surgery reroutes and reconstructs the stomach and intestines.
    • Typically, it is more expensive than a gastric sleeve due to its complexity and the longer operating time required.

Adjustable Gastric Banding

  • This involves placing a band around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch.
    • It’s generally less invasive and might be less expensive than other surgeries.

Duodenal Switch

  • A more complex and less common procedure, combining aspects of gastric sleeve and bypass.
    • Due to its complexity, it usually comes with a higher cost.

Revisional Bariatric Surgery

  • Performed if the initial bariatric surgery did not achieve the desired results or caused complications.
    • This is often the most expensive due to its complexity and the specialized care required.

The cost of these surgeries can differ significantly. For example, a gastric sleeve might cost between $4,000 to $6,000, whereas a gastric bypass could range from $6,000 to $10,000, though prices can vary based on specific clinics and patient needs.

Hospital Fees and Facility Costs

The hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed significantly impacts the cost of weight loss surgery in Mexico. Here’s a breakdown of how these fees and costs can vary:

Room Fees

  • The cost of the hospital room, including the length of stay, can vary.
    • Some procedures may require a longer hospital stay, which increases the cost.

Surgery Theater Costs

  • Operating room charges are based on the time spent and the equipment used.
    • More complex surgeries that require longer operation times or specialized equipment will be more expensive.

Additional Facility Charges

  • These can include laboratory tests, imaging services (like X-rays or MRIs), and other required pre-surgery evaluations.
    • Post-surgery care, such as recovery room charges and nursing care, also contribute to the total cost.

Variation Across Hospitals

  • The cost can differ based on the hospital’s location, reputation, and facility quality.

All-Inclusive Packages

  • Some hospitals offer all-inclusive packages that cover the surgery, hospital stay, and sometimes even post-operative follow-ups and diet counseling.
    • These packages can be more cost-effective than paying for each service separately.

Surgeon’s Expertise and Experience

The expertise and experience of the bariatric surgeon play a pivotal role in the cost of weight loss surgery in Mexico. Here’s how these factors influence the pricing:

Surgeon’s Qualifications:

  • Surgeons with advanced qualifications, such as board certifications or fellowships in bariatric surgery, may charge more for their services.
    • Higher qualifications often indicate a higher level of expertise, which can be crucial for complex cases.

Experience Level:

  • Surgeons with extensive experience in performing bariatric surgeries often have higher fees.
    • Their experience can provide added assurance of safety and success, which justifies the higher cost.

Surgeon’s Reputation:

  • Well-known surgeons with a track record of successful surgeries and patient satisfaction may charge a premium.
    • Their reputation in the field can be a significant factor in the pricing.

Consultation Fees:

  • Initial consultation fees, which can vary widely among surgeons, also add to the overall cost.

Revision Surgery Costs:

  • If a patient requires revision surgery, a more experienced surgeon might be necessary, which can increase the cost significantly compared to the initial procedure.

Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Care

The costs associated with pre-operative and post-operative care are significant factors in Mexico’s overall expense of weight loss surgery. Here’s a breakdown of these costs:

Pre-Operative Costs:

  • Consultations and Evaluations: Before surgery, patients undergo several consultations and medical evaluations, including lab tests, physical exams, and psychological evaluations.
    • Diagnostic Tests: These may include blood tests, ultrasounds, EKGs, or chest X-rays. The number and type of tests vary based on the patient’s health status.

Post-Operative Costs:

  • Follow-up Visits: Regular check-ups with the surgeon to monitor recovery and manage any post-operative issues.
    • Nutrition Counseling: Essential for adjusting to the new dietary requirements after bariatric surgery.
    • Medications: Patients may need various medications for pain management, infection prevention, or to aid digestion.

Variation in Costs:

  • The cost for pre-op and post-op care can vary based on the hospital and surgeon’s practices.

Importance of Comprehensive Care:

  • Comprehensive pre-op and post-op care are vital for the success of the surgery and can prevent complications, which, in the long run, can be cost-saving.

Anesthesia and Surgical Team Fees

Anesthesia and the fees associated with the surgical team are also key components in Mexico’s overall cost of weight loss surgery. These aspects are vital for a successful and safe surgical procedure.

Anesthesia Costs:

  • The type and duration of anesthesia can impact the cost. Longer surgeries requiring general anesthesia will typically be more expensive.
    • To ensure patient safety, the fees also cover the anesthesiologist’s services before, during, and immediately after the surgery.

Surgical Team Fees:

  • The surgical team often includes the primary surgeon, assistant surgeons, nurses, and technical staff.
    • Each team member contributes to the operation’s success, and their expertise is factored into the total cost.

Variability in Fees:

  • These fees can vary depending on the clinic or hospital. High-end facilities with experienced surgical teams may charge more.
    • The complexity of the surgery also plays a role in determining the cost. More complex procedures require a larger, more skilled team.

Understanding the Breakdown:

  • Patients should seek a detailed breakdown of these costs to clearly understand what they are paying for.

Medical Tourism and Additional Expenses

Medical tourism for weight loss surgery in Mexico involves additional expenses that can affect the overall cost. Here’s a breakdown of these factors:

Travel Costs:

  • Airfare to and from Mexico is a primary expense for international patients.
    • Costs vary depending on the patient’s home country and the time of booking.

Accommodation Expenses:

  • Patients usually need to stay in Mexico both before and after the surgery for pre-op assessments and initial recovery.
    • The choice of accommodation (hotel or recovery house) can significantly impact the overall cost.

Transportation in Mexico:

  • Local transportation, including airport transfers, travel to and from the hospital, and any additional travel for leisure or sightseeing.


  • Some patients opt for medical tourism insurance, which covers unforeseen medical expenses during their stay.
    • This insurance can add to the overall cost but provides financial protection against complications.

Food and Miscellaneous Expenses:

  • Daily expenses for meals and any other personal costs during the stay in Mexico.

Planning for the Unexpected:

  • Budgeting for unexpected expenses, such as extended hotel stays or additional medical costs in case of complications, is advisable.


In conclusion, the cost of weight loss surgery in Mexico depends on factors like surgery type, surgeon expertise, hospital fees, and tourism expenses. Patients should consider all costs, conduct thorough research, and plan carefully for success, focusing on safety, quality, and well-being. For a comprehensive approach to weight loss surgery in Mexico, consider Renew Bariatrics. Their expertise can guide you through this process, ensuring a focus on your health and safety. Visit Renew Bariatrics for more information and assistance.

Understanding the Factors Affecting Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost in Mexico

The surgical procedure known as sleeve gastrectomy, commonly called gastric sleeve surgery, is gaining widespread popularity as a weight loss method. This surge in interest is especially notable in Mexico, which has evolved into a centralized destination for medical tourists seeking cost-effective yet high-quality healthcare options. The expense of undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is notably more affordable than in many other countries, including the United States, making it an appealing choice for many.

However, it is crucial to recognize that the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is not fixed; it varies based on factors like hospital charges, surgeons’ expertise, post-operative care costs, and additional expenses incurred during the process. Therefore, for anyone contemplating this transformative procedure, it becomes essential to comprehend these diverse elements at play. This article aims to dissect and explore each segment that contributes to the overall expenditure of undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico—a guide to assist prospective patients in navigating the financial aspects of this life-altering weight loss journey.

We will examine how these decisive factors are subject to change and offer recommendations on securing an affordable option without compromising quality.

Factors Influencing Bariatric Surgery Cost in Mexico

In Mexico, the cost of gastric sleeve surgery can vary significantly, influenced by several factors. When considering this surgical procedure, it is crucial to understand these influencing elements to make a well-informed decision. Here are some potential determinants that may impact the overall cost of vertical sleeve gastrectomy:

1. Hospital Fees

Hospital expenses constitute a substantial portion of the overall cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. Discrepancies in rates can be attributed to various factors, including the geographical location of the surgical center, its level of service and infrastructure, and whether it caters specifically to foreign patients. Top-rated hospitals with international accreditation may have higher fees but typically provide superior care. Additionally, they boast the latest technology, which significantly contributes to ensuring surgical success and expediting recovery.

Hospital fees are also influenced by the scope of services included in the overall cost. Some hospitals provide comprehensive packages covering various stages of treatment, including pre- and post-operative care, in addition to the actual surgery. Conversely, other facilities may charge separately for each specific service. Therefore, patients must meticulously compare these services against the associated costs, ensuring their financial investment maximally contributes to their health maintenance.

2. Surgeon Fees

The surgeon’s fee is pivotal in calculating the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. Highly experienced surgeons with a well-established reputation typically command higher fees. These surgeons often boast a consistent record of success and fewer complications associated with their bariatric procedures, justifying their premium pricing. However, lower fees do not necessarily indicate lower skill; many skilled surgeons in Mexico provide high-quality services at competitive prices due to the lower overall operation costs in the region.

Furthermore, the geographical location within Mexico can impact practitioners’ fees. Surgeons practicing in cities with a high cost of living or recognized as medical tourism destinations may charge more than those operating in less popular areas. Therefore, patients must conduct thorough research and verify the qualifications and experience of their prospective surgeon, as this significantly influences the procedure’s success.

3. Anesthesia Costs

The cost of anesthesia in Mexico varies based on the type used and the duration of the surgical procedure. Longer surgeries require a larger quantity of anesthesia, leading to increased costs. The anesthesiologist’s credentials also influence the pricing decision; those with extensive experience may command higher compensation for their premium skills, contributing to a safer surgical experience.

Moreover, there is a persistent variation in prices across different types of anesthesia. General anesthesia typically incurs higher costs than local sedation, primarily due to variations in medication requirements and additional monitoring needs. Therefore, patients must engage in thorough discussions with their surgeon and anesthesiologist regarding potential anesthesia options, allowing them to acquaint themselves with associated costs and inherent risks.

4. Pre-Operative Tests

Patients considering gastric sleeve surgery must undergo pre-operative assessments to confirm their eligibility for the procedure. These assessments may include various diagnostic procedures such as blood examinations, cardiac checks, and other tests, each associated with different price tags. In Mexico, the cost of these evaluations tends to be lower than in other nations, although they still constitute a portion of the total expenditure patients need to consider.

The extent of insurance coverage for these tests varies significantly. Some global insurance policies may cover pre-operative testing, while others may not extend their coverage for operations conducted abroad. Patients should communicate with their respective insurance carriers and explore the feasibility of undergoing pre-surgery tests in their native countries, which may receive support from their policies.

5. Post-Operative Care

Patients require careful observation and ongoing check-ups after surgery to recover satisfactorily, leading to additional expenditures. In Mexico, post-surgery care may include hospital stays, prescribed medications, and frequent consultations with the surgeon. Some healthcare facilities offer surgery packages with predetermined aftercare appointments, while others charge per visit.

The extent of aftercare provided can significantly impact the variables in weight loss surgery costs. Comprehensive care that includes dietary guidance, psychological support, and assistance with lifestyle changes might have higher initial costs but could lead to superior long-term outcomes and potentially prevent expensive complications in the future.

6. Additional Expenses

In the process of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico, additional expenses are inherent and must be considered by patients in their planning. These may include the costs of prescription medications needed post-surgery, essential medical supplies like compression garments or specialized dietary supplements, and unforeseen costs related to handling any unexpected complications.

Patients should also consider expenses associated with travel, lodging, and meals during their stay for the procedure. While these are not direct medical expenditures, they are crucial in constructing a comprehensive budget plan for this surgical procedure. Anticipating these costs can alleviate unforeseen financial pressures during the patient’s medical journey.

Tips for Finding Affordable Options Without Compromising Quality

When exploring financing options for affordable weight loss surgery in Mexico, finding a balance between expenses and the quality of healthcare is essential. Take note of these practical guidelines for patients seeking to secure the best value:

1. Price Comparison by Thorough Research

Allocate time to analyze and compare prices from different hospitals and doctors in Mexico, as this can unveil a spectrum of prices. Utilize web platforms and discussion groups dedicated to medical tourism to gather valuable cost information and patient feedback. Directly asking healthcare facilities for detailed quotations ensures that all potential expenses are considered, leading to a more accurate evaluation.

2. Do Opt for Comprehensive Packages

Numerous hospitals and medical tourism companies provide comprehensive bundled deals that encompass not only the surgery but also pre-surgical tests, hospital stays, hotel accommodation, post-surgery treatment, and sometimes even lodging and ground transportation arrangements. These packages can reduce overall expenditures and provide convenience by consolidating most costs into a single payment. However, it is crucial to thoroughly review all details before finalizing the agreement to precisely understand what is included and what might incur additional charges.

3. Consider Medical Tourism Agencies

Medical tourism agencies excel in organizing health trips and can often secure discounted costs for bariatric surgeries and related expenses. These agencies typically collaborate with reputable hospitals and surgeons, offering a safety net. When choosing an agency, prioritize those known for their transparency and remarkable patient outcomes.

4. Look Out For Hidden Expenses

Before making any decisions, be sure to inquire about potential hidden charges. These could include additional fees for complications after the surgery (bariatric revision surgery), extended hospital stays, or unforeseen medical procedures. A comprehensive understanding of all possible costs can help prevent unexpected expenses in the future.

5. Delve Into Patient Reviews and Testimonies

Testimonials from former patients and reviews provide invaluable insights into the quality of care and the level of patient satisfaction. Strive to locate reviews encompassing the entire experience, not solely focusing on surgical outcomes. At times, these testimonials unveil unforeseen costs or issues that could influence the overall cost of the procedure.

6. Verify Surgeon and Hospital Credentials

Ensuring your hospital and surgeon hold certifications from reputable medical accreditation bodies is crucial. These credentials are powerful indicators of the quality and safety you can anticipate. Seek accreditations from globally recognized organizations such as the Joint Commission International (JCI), signifying a commitment to upholding international healthcare standards.

7. Time Your Surgery Strategically

When planning your surgery, if you have flexibility with timing, consider scheduling during off-peak seasons when fewer individuals travel for medical reasons. During these periods, lower gastric sleeve costs may apply, and a more personalized level of attention could be feasible from bariatric surgeons and staff. Additionally, paying attention to currency exchange fluctuations might allow you to pay or transfer funds when your home currency is more robust, leading to further savings.

8. Consider the Total Cost of Your Medical Trip

When assessing the affordability of surgery in Mexico, consider all accompanying expenses, including medical travel fares, accommodation charges, and any subsequent care needed upon return. A closer examination might reveal that “the most economical surface choice” is not cost-effective once all elements are considered.

Comparison of Gastric Sleeve Surgery Costs in Mexico and Other Countries

When contemplating gastric sleeve surgery, cost is a primary concern for many. Tijuana in Mexico provides an affordable alternative, with prices starting as low as $4,399 compared to the hefty average price tag of $17,000 you would anticipate in the U.S. This significant discrepancy does not necessarily imply compromised quality; many Mexican healthcare facilities offer world-class care with modern technology and experienced surgeons.

However, it is crucial to remember that enticing initial price tags can vary based on various factors. There are variations in fees among surgeons in Tijuana due to differences in their proficiency, reputation, and the complexity of each patient’s case. The choice of hospital and its specific city location can also impact costs due to variations in operational expenditures and the levels of luxury associated with different healthcare facilities or hospitals.

Honesty and clear communication with your selected health provider are crucial. By discussing all possible costs beforehand, you can avoid unforeseen expenses and ensure that your investment covers every aspect of your gastric sleeve surgery. With careful consideration and foresight, Tijuana, Mexico, might be your top choice for low-priced, first-rate bariatric surgery.


Understanding the factors influencing the price tag of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is essential if you consider this option. Mexico is hard to beat compared to prices up north in places like the U.S. and Canada. However, it is crucial to consider all costs and not overlook the standard of care. Renew Bariatrics offers a trifecta – affordability, high quality, and comprehensive care for those ready to take the next step. Reach out to our team and discover how you can confidently stride towards a healthier tomorrow!

Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve Surgery

In addition to the obvious benefits that come with losing a significant amount of weight such as alleviating many obesity-related conditions including diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, joint pain issues, etc., Bariatric surgery benefits go a step further to include many definite psychological improvements.

This is why undergoing a psychological and physical assessment before any weight loss surgery is important to determine an individual’s mental and emotional preparedness for the procedure to prepare them in setting realistic expectations as well as keeping their weight loss goals in perspective. Minimally invasive surgical techniques have revolutionized many procedures that reduce Bariatric surgery risks as well as the emotional trauma that some patients go through after surgery.

Gastric Balloon

The gastric balloon is a life-changing weight loss procedure that is carried out without the need for surgery. This procedure does not alter the stomach’s anatomy. Instead, it is a reversible procedure where a deflated silicone balloon is inserted through a patient’s throat to the stomach using an endoscope under sedation. Once the balloon reaches the stomach, it is filled with salt water not only to provide a feeling of fullness but also to limit the amount of food one can eat at a time. The balloon or capsule is designed with a valve that opens up after three months to release the water or saline solution, while the balloon is disposed of by the body as waste.

There are two types of FDA approved gastric balloons. The ORBERA Intragastric Balloon System, which is filled with saline water and then deflated and removed under mild sedation after six months. The reshape dual balloon system includes an anti-migration safety feature that prevents one of the balloons from passing into the intestines in the event of deflation. You are required to be on a liquid diet after the balloon is fitted, once your body has gotten used to the capsule you can proceed to a pureed diet and gradually to solid foods. To qualify for this procedure:

  • You must be over 18 with a body mass index (BMI) of 30-40
  • You must show that you have been unsuccessful in losing weight through dieting and exercise
  • You must undergo psychological, health and physical examination before your surgery
  • Because insurance companies do not cover this weight loss procedure, you must be financially ready to cover a 12month self-pay costs, which may include the cost of the capsule, endoscopies, medications, appointments with the physician, dietitian, psychotherapist, and fitness specialist

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Unlike the revisable gastric balloon procedure, this surgery is permanent where a surgeon uses a stapling device to remove about 60 – 80 % of the stomach. The goal of this procedure is to reduce the stomach’s ability to hold large amounts of food, and because it doesn’t alter the order or function of the digestive system completely, the proper absorption of nutrients takes place, and patients have a reduced risk of malnutrition or dumping syndrome.

By reducing the size of the stomach, Bariatric patients feel fuller for longer even after eating baby-sized meals and in the process the body stores less excess calories and begins to burn excess fat. You are likely to be considered a good candidate for gastric sleeve surgery if you meet the following pre-operative requirements:

  • You are between the age of 18 – 65 with a BMI of 40+ or if you have a BMI of 35 with one obesity-related comorbidity health problem such as sleep apnea, hypertension, type II diabetes, joint pain, or asthma
  • You must prove that you are physically and psychologically equipped to handle the stress of surgery through passing a psychological and physical assessment
  • You must also provide documentation to show that you have been unsuccessful in losing weight through traditional weight loss method
  • You must adhere to a dietitian-approved pre-operative diet and exercise regimen
  • You must not drink or smoke

Gastric Sleeve Surgery vs. Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery vs. Gastric Bypass Surgery

There are the lucky few who can afford to walk into a surgeon’s office and have a few tweaks here and there to improve their physical appearance. The goal of cosmetic procedures such as liposuction is to restore attractive proportions by removing fat or the sagging skin around some regions of the body, such as the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, buttocks, breasts, face, etc. that create a misshapen contour. Unlike Bariatric surgery, plastic surgery after dramatic weight loss reduces excess skin and fat left behind after significant weight loss.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A Bariatric procedure such as gastric sleeve surgery is for weight loss and in very many cases, for life-saving purposes. Also known as the sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most popular if not the most recommended procedure for weight loss, especially for extremely obese individuals. During the procedure, the surgeon removes about 80% of the stomach to leave a new small sleeve-like stomach. As a result, patients can expect to lose up ¾ of their excess body weight because they feel less hungry or they feel full even after eating minimal amounts of food, the procedure is known to alleviate or remedy some obesity-related health issues such as diabetes.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not for everyone and to be considered a good candidate, Bariatric surgery hopefuls must meet a few pre-operative prerequisites:

  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 and higher or a BMI between 30 and 35 with severe comorbidities such as type II diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, joint problems
  • You must be above 18 years
  • You must be ready to undergo various health assessments from your doctor, dietician including passing a psychological examination
  • You must establish a pre-surgery diet and exercise regimen including quitting smoking and drinking alcohol

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Also known as the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, gastric bypass surgery is similar to gastric sleeve surgery. They both make the stomach smaller the only difference is during the procedure the surgeon creates a small stomach pouch about the size of an egg by dividing the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach, thus changing your gut hormones. The divided small intestine is then brought up and connected to the newly created small stomach pouch that limits the amount of food your stomach can hold as well as the number of calories and nutrients your body absorbs.

Gastric bypass surgery is considered as the “Gold Standard of Weight Loss Surgery” for good reasons. Not only does the procedure contribute to appetite suppression and the reversal of obesity-caused metabolic syndrome, but the surgery also changes your gut hormones and helps you feel fuller longer. You can expect to lose between 60-80% of your excess weight with a proper diet and exercise regimen, which is by far, an excellent resolution of many obesity-related health problems. To qualify for gastric bypass surgery, you should meet the following pre-operative qualifications:

  • Have a 35+ BMI with any obesity-related medical condition or have a BMI of 40+, with or without obesity-related comorbidity such as sleep apnea, type II diabetes, high cholesterol or blood pressure, venous stasis disease, soft tissue infections, etc.
  • You must be above 18 years
  • You must be willing to undergo a thorough pre-operative evaluation from your doctor, dietician, and pass a psychological assessment
  • You must prove that you have tried and failed losing weight through traditional methods of dieting and exercise routines

Along with a successful weight loss after Bariatric surgery, you will also notice a significant improvement in your obesity-related illnesses such as a decrease in lower back and joint pain as well as swelling in the legs and ankles. You can also say goodbye to health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea and speak hello to improved morbidity and better quality of life.

Weight Loss Surgery vs. Body Contouring Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery vs. Body Contouring Surgery

Weight loss surgery has been proven to be the most effective way to help overweight individuals safely lose weight and successfully keep it off through maintaining a healthy diet and physical activity. Weight loss surgery is not automatically for anyone who is overweight, in fact, there is a whole criterion for eligibility and a host of pre-operative requirements that must be met before someone is considered a likely weight loss surgery candidate.

You are considered as having a “normal” weight or being overweight based on your body mass index (BMI), which calculates your height and weight to determine your level of body fat, overall fitness, and your risk of developing chronic diseases. A healthy body mass index should fall between 18.5 and 24.9, while scores between 25-30 are considered overweight or obese respectfully.

While your BMI could be high even if you are not overweight, a wider than average waistline can be a good indicator of obesity and the risk of related diseases. One commonality that almost all weight loss candidates have is a BMI of 35+ with at least one or more obesity-related comorbidities such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint diseases, sleep apnea, and diabetes. Obesity has been shown to be a predictive indicator of type 2 diabetes and other severe comorbidities that affect an overweight person’s overall life.


Weight loss surgery is especially recommended for sever obese individuals with a BMI of 40 and above and for the success of the operation, patients are required to meet with a multidisciplinary team of experts, including a dietitian, mental health counselor, and a Bariatric surgeon who specializes in the care of obese people. Patients require significant counseling both before and after surgery as well as information about how to start an exercise routine and prepare foods to keep track of their caloric intake. The role of the surgeon is to develop and advise patients on all the possible weight loss surgeries including their risks and the expected results.

Lap banding, gastric balloon, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve are the most common types of weight loss surgeries. They contribute to weight loss through restricting the amount of food the stomach can hold and by reducing the number of calories and nutrients the body absorbs through a process known as malabsorption.

  • In Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgeon or gastric bypass is a two-part operation. The first part creates a small pouch in the upper section of the stomach, then the lower part of the small intestine is then attached directly to the small stomach pouch so that food bypasses most of the stomach and the upper part of your small intestine. Consequently, the body absorbs fewer calories, and the small stomach limits the amount of food that you can eat and drink
  • Lap-banding or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is less invasive and involves placing an inflatable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach that divides the stomach in two to restrict the amount of food that your stomach can hold
  • Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive weight loss surgery where a surgeon removes about 80% of the stomach to leave a small banana-shaped pouch that limits the amount of food the stomach can hold
  • The gastric balloon is an incision-less procedure where a deflated silicon capsule is inserted in the stomach, then filled with a saline solution to reduce the amount of food your stomach can hold significantly

If any of the above procedures seem like a good option for you, talk to your doctor or dietician who can help you get picked for these life-saving surgeries.

Body Contouring Surgeries

These types of procedures are recommended for individuals, who after losing weight through surgery, dieting or exercising, are left with loose skin around the stomach, underarms, thighs, or face areas. Body contouring surgeries are considered a form of elective surgery because they are non-emergency surgical procedures that are solely for cosmetic purposes and carried out to improve an individual’s physical shape and appearance.

During body contouring surgeries, cosmetic surgeons use somebody sculpting techniques to get rid of excess skin and fat (after a dramatic weight loss) that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. Such methods include liposuction, body lift surgery, abdominoplasty, augmentation to mention a few

  • There are different types of liposuction or lypoplasty procedures, and while they don’t involve the removal of excess skin, the procedure permanently removes undesirable deposits of body fat in specific parts of the body through incisions made under the skin
  • Body lift surgery is for individuals with excess skin, fat, and other tissues that “hang around” in various parts of the body after substantial weight loss. Such surgeries include, but are not limited to the surgical removal of excess skin, belt lipectomy, tummy tuck, arm and thigh lifts or reduction procedures.
  • Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedures are arguably the most common body contouring surgeries because the abdomen is the first place that suffers from too much flab or excess skin after significant weight loss that does not diminish with diet or exercise. Abdominoplasty procedure takes between 1-5 hours depending on the desired results to flatten the abdomen, remove excess skin as well as fat and above all else, to help in tightening muscles in the abdominal wall.
  • Augmentation involves the insertion of implants to enhance the shape, size, and appearance of different areas of the body, such as the rear end, leg calf, pecs, breasts, chin, etc. Breast augmentation is probably the most common in this category for men and women who have lost breast or chest volume due to weight loss, pregnancy or aging.

Therefore, if your goal is to lose weight, your best option would be to consider one of the listed weight loss procedures. Body contouring surgery will be the next step to help you improve your physical shape after you have achieved a healthy weight loss and exhausted other methods of taming excess fat and skin.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery vs. Lap-Band Surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery vs. Lap-Band Surgery

Obesity is a very serious chronic disease that has reached epidemic proportions whereby, in addition to about 35% of women and 31% of men being seriously overweight, did you know that 15% of children between the ages of six and 19 in the United States are also considered overweight for their age? People who are overweight have a much higher risk of developing serious psychological and health conditions, including type II diabetes, cancer, heart disease, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, bone and joint diseases, as well as depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, to mention a few.

The causes of obesity are diverse but so are the solutions. Individuals who are morbidly obese can now benefit from preventative measures such as Bariatric surgery, where not only are the risks are low, the rewards are high, and surgical techniques are being improved all the time.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Also known as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive and irreversible procedure where a surgeon removes about 80% of the stomach along the greater curvature. The stomach is minimized to about 15% of its original size to leave a tube or sleeve-like structure that not only restricts the amount of food that can be consumed after the surgery, but it also promotes weight loss by changing the hormonal signals between your stomach, brain, and liver.

This surgery is also used as a weight loss intervention for the morbidly obese individuals as a way to get them to a suitable weight for other weight loss surgeries. Therefore, to qualify you must meet the following pre-operative requirements:

  • You must be between the age of 18 and 60, be classified as morbidly obese with a BMI of 40+
  • Have a BMI of 35+ with one or more comorbidities such as diabetes, sleep apnea, asthma, etc.
  • You must be physically and psychologically steady for surgery
  • Prove that you have unsuccessfully tried other weight loss methods

Lap-Band Surgery

Unlike gastric sleeve surgery, which is a permanent and irreversible procedure, lap band surgery is a reversible weight loss operation that involves placing an inflatable or an adjustable silicone band around the upper portion of the stomach just below the end of the esophagus. This band creates a new small stomach pouch that limits the amount of food you can take and it also slows down the emptying of food into the stomach and intestine, thus making you feel full quickly.

The surgery is done laparoscopically (a minimally invasive technique) and it takes less than two hours where patients can expect to resume work or normal activities within 2-4 weeks after the procedure. Even though it is a restrictive procedure, there is no bypass of the intestine, therefore, nutritional deficiencies are less likely to occur also the band around the stomach can be adjusted as needed to give patients the best possible weight loss outcome. A lap band fill must be performed around 6 to 8 weeks after the initial procedure. Lap band surgery is sometimes recommended for people with a BMI as low as 30, however, to qualify for this surgery you must:

  • Be over 18 years old with a BMI of 40+ or a 35-40+ BMI with obesity-related medical conditions such as type II diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc.
  • You a required to provide a history of failed weight loss attempts in the past using various conventional approaches
  • You must be willing to have a psychological assessment to assure that you are mentally and emotionally stable for the procedure
  • You must also demonstrate an understanding of the procedure and be prepared to adhere to the lifestyle changes needed to make this procedure successful
  • You must not be dependent on drugs or alcohol as each affects recovery
  • If you have a BMI higher than 50, you must adhere to a strict pre-operative diet and exercise regime to decrease your weight significantly before the procedure

Bariatric History: Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass Treatment

This treatment gets its name from its inventor Doctor Mal Fobi. A weight reduction operation combines gastric bypass and stomach reduction. If you know or have heard of the Roux-en-Y stomach bypass, then you already have an idea of how the procedure is executed. On the other hand, instead of this procedure using staples, it makes use of a silastic ring. The ring helps prevent stretching between the small bowel and the pouch by stimulating the pyloric valve. The procedure completes with the aid of a gastroenterostomy that takes place to the jejunum Roux-en-y type limb.

Facts about the Procedure

  • Success rate- The founder of the procedure, Doctor Fobi, guarantees a ninety-five percent rate of success. In addition to this, the specialist guarantees that the patient maintains about forty percent of the excess weight loss for a minimum of five preceding years. The surgical complications rate is lower in comparison to other procedures. However, side effects resemble those of the other weight loss procedures.
  • A lower rate of failure- The rate of surgical failure is lower concerning this surgery because of the reduced common causes of the failure. The operation itself eliminates some of the causes of surgical failure such as leakage and the stretching of the stomach pouch.
  • Side effects- Just as the other weight reduction procedures, this one has similar problems including intolerance to meat, diarrhea, and frequent vomiting, among others. Other patients experience a long-term side effect of constipation.
  • Nutritional issues- This is one of the side effects of this procedure. Most patients experience a detriment in metabolism and nutrient absorption function of the small intestine. Without the right nutritional care, a patient could easily experience nutrient deficiencies such as lack of sufficient Folic Acid, vitamin B12, Iron, and even Calcium. This could either be solved or prevented with the aid of nutritional supplements and periodic doctor checkups.
  • It takes longer- If you have encountered a vertical banded gastroplasty operation then, this one takes double that time. In addition to this, the surgical team comprises of two surgeons, pulmonary specialist, cardiologist, patient counselor, circulating nurse, scrub nurse, and an anesthesiologist.
  • Recovery hospitalization- It takes up to four days in the hospital to recover after the operation. The follow-up checkup is periodical in periods of seven to ten days, three months, six weeks, half a year, and even annually.

Benefits of Undergoing the Procedure

  • Efficient- Unlike the other weight loss procedures, this one eliminates the use of staples, which reduces mobilization. Apart from this, it also reduces and eliminates marginal ulcers risk and staple line breakdown.
  • Reduced risk of subphrenic abscess and leaks- This is done by the overlap of the arm of the jejunum that forms the gastroenterostomy. It overlaps with the stomach pouch transected edge.
  • Decompression of the stomach pouch- The risk of developing acute gastric distension and atelectasis reduces. In addition to this, it offers medication administration and temporary feeding.

Benefits of Paying Cash for Bariatric Surgery in Mexico

Not only is obesity an escalating global epidemic, but it is also the leading cause of disabilities around the world and one of the most neglected public health problem. So what does someone do when he or she has exhausted all other reasonable methods of weight loss, fully understands the risks and requirements of surgery but do not have health insurance to pay for their surgery and medical care for bariatric surgery?

While some insurance companies are starting to cover weight loss surgery, some procedures may not be covered by your insurance plan and depending on where you have your procedure, whether at home or abroad, patients have an option of paying cash for their weight loss surgery. However, the thing to keep in mind is that most quoted prices of under $10,000 for bariatric surgery have additional costs.

The average cost of gastric sleeve surgery is $23,000 and not everyone considering weight loss surgery can afford to pay that much money to lose weight. There are other financing options available for people without coverage. Consider the following:

Doctor Payment Plan

Your bariatric surgeon should be able to tell you if he or she works with a financial institution that that offer loans for patients who want to undergo bariatric surgery but do not have insurance coverage. These types of medical loans are known as unsecured loans because you do not put up collateral to back up the loan in case of default and can be obtained through brokers, direct lenders or through unsecured credit card.

However, getting a payment plan set up directly through your doctor is better because doctors charge little or no interest and often do not charge any additional fees and being late on a payment may not affect your credit score. Depending on who your lender is, you can get an immediate decision for loans under $35,000. Once you have been approved for the loan, the entire amount of the surgery and aftercare payment is sent to your doctor’s office directly.


Medicaid does cover weight loss surgery, but pre-approval is sometimes required for bariatric surgery. Your surgeon may help you submit the required information to your insurance provider to gain pre-approval and if denied he or she may assist you the appeal process if you choose to do so.

Other financing options are:

Unsecured personal loans that do not require any collateral to secure the loan, instead, you are given the loan with fees and interest rates attached

Online lenders that base your application on your credit score, income, and expenditure
Marketplace lenders who match you up with a lender who will provide you the money for your weight loss surgery. The amount can be anything between $1,000 to $40,000 and can be repaid within one to five years

Secured loans that need some form of collateral

A 401k loan where you can borrow up to half of your conferred balance. There are no credit checks required, and the interest and payments are relatively low
Loans from family and friends

It is not uncommon for an insurance company to deny your request for coverage of bariatric surgery even after an appeal but with the above payment options, there is no reason not to enjoy the benefits of this life-changing surgery. Paying cash for your bariatric procedure has its benefits such as:

  • You can schedule surgery sooner since there is no third party involvement in the approval process
  • There are no insurance hurdles or issues with finding in-network carriers
  • You get to choose the doctor you want
  • You get to choose the facility you wish to rather than an insurance approved one
  • There are no risks of being turned down the last minute because of a coverage issue
  • You are not required to go through various tests or counseling unless you choose to
  • You do not need to prove that you have tried all other methods of weight loss
  • You will get the same care no matter how you pay for your bariatric surgery: cash or insurance

While the current health care system that is a third party covers most of the costs of some operations, it incentivizes patients to overconsume when it comes to medical care but paying cash ensures that patients can see how much each particular treatment costs and can decide from various options what service is best for them. Bypassing the third party means that it can also be cheaper for a patient in a cash-based system to obtain multiple tests or procedures. The only criticism of cash only medical care is that it adversely affects the poor.

That said, weight loss surgery in Mexico can save your life as well as money regarding insurance and health-related costs. Overweight individuals and dealing with diabetes spend more money per year on direct and indirect medical expenses to treat the disease and its complications over their lifetimes.

If you or someone you know are ready to experience an extraordinary quality of life, then shedding the pounds can make a difference and research shows bariatric surgery may provide more significant long-term results for those considered severely obese. This surgery can significantly reduce a person’s risks of developing potentially fatal diseases such as some types of cancer to type 2 diabetes and heart disease that has been long connected to obesity.

Bariatric surgery is more effective overall than other forms of weight loss intervention and has proven beneficial in helping people combat sleep apnea, improve osteoarthritis-related discomfort as well as gain better cholesterol control and other risk factors for heart disease. A seemingly never-ending cycle about obesity is depression, which can be alleviated within the first year of bariatric surgery.

If you are at the point where bariatric surgery is an option, then you how draining it can be just to get through the day. This operation might just be what you need.